
The goal of this notebook is to introduce how to induce decision trees in R using the party and rpart packages. For this example we are going to use the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) Data Set and in particular the file from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Loading the data

First we are going to load the dataset as a dataframe. We are assuming that the current working directory is in the same directory where the dataset is stored. We add the sep option because the default separator is the empty string. In addition, as one can observe from the dataset instructions, the missing values are denoted with ?. To check the documentation of the read.table function use the command ?read.table.

# Downloading the file
fileURL <- ""
download.file(fileURL, destfile="", method="curl")
# read the data
data <- read.table("", na.strings = "?", sep=",")
## 'data.frame':    699 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ V1 : int  1000025 1002945 1015425 1016277 1017023 1017122 1018099 1018561 1033078 1033078 ...
##  $ V2 : int  5 5 3 6 4 8 1 2 2 4 ...
##  $ V3 : int  1 4 1 8 1 10 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ V4 : int  1 4 1 8 1 10 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ V5 : int  1 5 1 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ V6 : int  2 7 2 3 2 7 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ V7 : int  1 10 2 4 1 10 10 1 1 1 ...
##  $ V8 : int  3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 1 2 ...
##  $ V9 : int  1 2 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ V10: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 ...
##  $ V11: int  2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 ...

We won’t be needing the id number (1st column), because it is not an informative attribute, so let’s remove it.

data <- data[,-1]

Let’s put names in the columns

names(data) <- c("ClumpThickness",

Also let’s make the Class column a categorical value, aka a factor in R

data$Class <- factor(data$Class, levels=c(2,4), labels=c("benign", "malignant"))

Now let’s see a summary of the data:

##  ClumpThickness   UniformityCellSize UniformityCellShape MarginalAdhesion
##  Min.   : 1.000   Min.   : 1.000     Min.   : 1.000      Min.   : 1.000  
##  1st Qu.: 2.000   1st Qu.: 1.000     1st Qu.: 1.000      1st Qu.: 1.000  
##  Median : 4.000   Median : 1.000     Median : 1.000      Median : 1.000  
##  Mean   : 4.418   Mean   : 3.134     Mean   : 3.207      Mean   : 2.807  
##  3rd Qu.: 6.000   3rd Qu.: 5.000     3rd Qu.: 5.000      3rd Qu.: 4.000  
##  Max.   :10.000   Max.   :10.000     Max.   :10.000      Max.   :10.000  
##  SingleEpithelialCellSize   BareNuclei     BlandChromatin  
##  Min.   : 1.000           Min.   : 1.000   Min.   : 1.000  
##  1st Qu.: 2.000           1st Qu.: 1.000   1st Qu.: 2.000  
##  Median : 2.000           Median : 1.000   Median : 3.000  
##  Mean   : 3.216           Mean   : 3.545   Mean   : 3.438  
##  3rd Qu.: 4.000           3rd Qu.: 6.000   3rd Qu.: 5.000  
##  Max.   :10.000           Max.   :10.000   Max.   :10.000  
##                           NA's   :16                       
##  NormalNucleoli      Mitoses             Class    
##  Min.   : 1.000   Min.   : 1.000   benign   :458  
##  1st Qu.: 1.000   1st Qu.: 1.000   malignant:241  
##  Median : 1.000   Median : 1.000                  
##  Mean   : 2.867   Mean   : 1.589                  
##  3rd Qu.: 4.000   3rd Qu.: 1.000                  
##  Max.   :10.000   Max.   :10.000                  

The next step is to split the dataset into a training (70%) and a validation set (30%). For comparing later different models or the same models trained with differernt parameters, we are going to use the same training and validation set. Since we are splitting them randomly, we set a seed so that we maintain the same split throughout our experiments.

ind <- sample(2, nrow(data), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.7, 0.3))
trainData <- data[ind==1,]
validationData <- data[ind==2,]


Now we load the libraries rpart, rpart.plot and party. If they are not in your system you will have to install them with the commands: install.packages("rpart"), install.packages("rpart.plot") and `install.packages(“party”).



Let’s product a decision tree by training the induction algorithm on the train dataset. Check out the options of rpart with the command ?rpart.

tree = rpart(Class ~ ., data=trainData, method="class")

One can also use a differrent split criterion like the entropy split decision rule:

entTree = rpart(Class ~ ., data=trainData, method="class", parms=list(split="information"))

The tree in text form:

## n= 485 
## node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
##       * denotes terminal node
##  1) root 485 171 benign (0.647422680 0.352577320)  
##    2) UniformityCellSize< 2.5 292   9 benign (0.969178082 0.030821918)  
##      4) BareNuclei< 4.5 280   1 benign (0.996428571 0.003571429) *
##      5) BareNuclei>=4.5 12   4 malignant (0.333333333 0.666666667) *
##    3) UniformityCellSize>=2.5 193  31 malignant (0.160621762 0.839378238)  
##      6) UniformityCellShape< 2.5 15   3 benign (0.800000000 0.200000000) *
##      7) UniformityCellShape>=2.5 178  19 malignant (0.106741573 0.893258427)  
##       14) UniformityCellSize< 4.5 45  14 malignant (0.311111111 0.688888889)  
##         28) BareNuclei< 2.5 10   2 benign (0.800000000 0.200000000) *
##         29) BareNuclei>=2.5 35   6 malignant (0.171428571 0.828571429) *
##       15) UniformityCellSize>=4.5 133   5 malignant (0.037593985 0.962406015) *

And in a visual representation:


A more advanced representation can be produced using the rpart.plot library as follows:

rpart.plot(tree, extra = 104, nn = TRUE)

The parameters of the decision tree method can be shown with the command:

## $minsplit
## [1] 20
## $minbucket
## [1] 7
## $cp
## [1] 0.01
## $maxcompete
## [1] 4
## $maxsurrogate
## [1] 5
## $usesurrogate
## [1] 2
## $surrogatestyle
## [1] 0
## $maxdepth
## [1] 30
## $xval
## [1] 10

For their meaning you can check out the documentation ?rpart.control. The most important of them are: - minsplit: the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node in order for a split to be attempted. - minbucket: the minimum number of observations in any terminal (leaf) node. - maxdepth: sets the maximum depth of any node of the final tree - cp: parameter controlling if the complexity for a given split is allowed and is set empirically. Bigger values equal more prunning.

# Usage
tree_with_params = rpart(Class ~ ., data=trainData, method="class", minsplit = 1, minbucket = 1, cp = -1)
rpart.plot(tree_with_params, extra = 104, nn = TRUE)


Let’s also try the party library and the ctree function:

ctree = ctree(Class ~ ., data=trainData)
# print it
##   Conditional inference tree with 7 terminal nodes
## Response:  Class 
## Inputs:  ClumpThickness, UniformityCellSize, UniformityCellShape, MarginalAdhesion, SingleEpithelialCellSize, BareNuclei, BlandChromatin, NormalNucleoli, Mitoses 
## Number of observations:  485 
## 1) UniformityCellSize <= 2; criterion = 1, statistic = 323.402
##   2) BareNuclei <= 4; criterion = 1, statistic = 169.767
##     3) SingleEpithelialCellSize <= 2; criterion = 1, statistic = 29.834
##       4)*  weights = 264 
##     3) SingleEpithelialCellSize > 2
##       5)*  weights = 16 
##   2) BareNuclei > 4
##     6)*  weights = 12 
## 1) UniformityCellSize > 2
##   7) BareNuclei <= 3; criterion = 1, statistic = 42.361
##     8) UniformityCellSize <= 4; criterion = 1, statistic = 23.999
##       9)*  weights = 27 
##     8) UniformityCellSize > 4
##       10)*  weights = 20 
##   7) BareNuclei > 3
##     11) BlandChromatin <= 4; criterion = 0.996, statistic = 12.225
##       12)*  weights = 50 
##     11) BlandChromatin > 4
##       13)*  weights = 96
# visualize it
plot(ctree, type="simple")


The final step is to print the results in the validation set. We will create a function that get as input a tree model, the validation data and the type of the tree and prints results in the console.

evaluation <- function(model, data, atype) {
  cat("\nConfusion matrix:\n")
  prediction = predict(model, data, type=atype)
  xtab = table(prediction, data$Class)
  accuracy = sum(prediction == data$Class)/length(data$Class)
  precision = xtab[1,1]/sum(xtab[,1])
  recall = xtab[1,1]/sum(xtab[1,])
  f = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
  cat(paste("Accuracy:\t", format(accuracy, digits=2), "\n",sep=" "))
  cat(paste("Precision:\t", format(precision, digits=2), "\n",sep=" "))
  cat(paste("Recall:\t\t", format(recall, digits=2), "\n",sep=" "))
  cat(paste("F-measure:\t", format(f, digits=2), "\n",sep=" "))
evaluation(tree, validationData, "class")
## Confusion matrix:
## prediction  benign malignant
##   benign       138         6
##   malignant      6        64
## Evaluation:
## Accuracy:     0.94 
## Precision:    0.96 
## Recall:       0.96 
## F-measure:    0.96
evaluation(entTree, validationData, "class")
## Confusion matrix:
## prediction  benign malignant
##   benign       138         5
##   malignant      6        65
## Evaluation:
## Accuracy:     0.95 
## Precision:    0.96 
## Recall:       0.97 
## F-measure:    0.96
evaluation(tree_with_params, validationData, "class")
## Confusion matrix:
## prediction  benign malignant
##   benign       139        12
##   malignant      5        58
## Evaluation:
## Accuracy:     0.92 
## Precision:    0.97 
## Recall:       0.92 
## F-measure:    0.94
evaluation(ctree, validationData, "response")
## Confusion matrix:
## prediction  benign malignant
##   benign       138         6
##   malignant      6        64
## Evaluation:
## Accuracy:     0.94 
## Precision:    0.96 
## Recall:       0.96 
## F-measure:    0.96